// source --> https://www.cinofollie.club/wp-content/plugins/staffer/public/js/staffer-scripts.js?ver=2.1.0 (function( $ ) { 'use strict'; var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sParam) { var sPageURL = decodeURIComponent(window.location.search.substring(1)), sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'), sParameterName, i; for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if (sParameterName[0] === sParam) { return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : sParameterName[1]; } } }; $(document).ready( function(e) { $('a.cw-launch-staffer-modal').on('click', function(e) { var bio,img,name,title, id, slug, department,website,phone,email,fb, linkedin,twitter,gplus,youtube, instagram,github, iconArr, iconOutput = ''; bio = $(this).attr('data-bio'); img = $(this).attr('data-large-image'); img = img.replace('aligncenter', 'alignleft'); img = img.replace('alignleft', 'alignleft cw-staffer-max-image'); name = $(this).attr('data-name'); title = $(this).attr('data-title'); 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} $('.staffer-staff-email').each( function(i,obj) { var email = $(this).parent().find('a[data-email]').attr('data-email'); $(this).find('em').text( email ); }); } }); })( jQuery ); // source --> https://www.cinofollie.club/wp-content/plugins/duracelltomi-google-tag-manager/js/gtm4wp-contact-form-7-tracker.js?ver=1.10.1 jQuery( function() { jQuery( ".wpcf7" ) .on( 'wpcf7mailsent', function( e ) { var gtm4wp_cf7formid = '(not set)'; if ( e && e.detail && e.detail.contactFormId ) { gtm4wp_cf7formid = e.detail.contactFormId; } else if ( e && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.detail && e.originalEvent.detail.contactFormId ) { gtm4wp_cf7formid = e.originalEvent.detail.contactFormId; } var gtm4wp_cf7forminputs = []; if ( e && e.detail && e.detail.inputs ) { gtm4wp_cf7forminputs = e.detail.inputs; } else if ( e && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.detail && e.originalEvent.detail.inputs ) { gtm4wp_cf7forminputs = e.originalEvent.detail.inputs; } window[ gtm4wp_datalayer_name ].push({ 'event': 'gtm4wp.contactForm7Submitted', 'gtm4wp.cf7formid': gtm4wp_cf7formid, 'gtm4wp.cf7inputs': gtm4wp_cf7forminputs }); }); }); // source --> https://www.cinofollie.club/wp-content/plugins/duracelltomi-google-tag-manager/js/gtm4wp-form-move-tracker.js?ver=1.10.1 jQuery( function() { jQuery( ":input" ) .on( "focus", function() { var input = jQuery(this); var inputID = input.attr("id") || "(no input ID)"; var inputName = input.attr("name") || "(no input name)"; var inputClass = input.attr("class") || "(no input class)"; var form = jQuery(this.form); var formID = form.attr("id") || "(no form ID)"; var formName = form.attr("name") || "(no form name)"; var formClass = form.attr("class") || "(no form class)"; window[ gtm4wp_datalayer_name ].push({ 'event' : 'gtm4wp.formElementEnter', 'inputID' : inputID, 'inputName' : inputName, 'inputClass': inputClass, 'formID' : formID, 'formName' : formName, 'formClass': formClass }); }) .on( "blur", function() { var input = jQuery(this); var inputID = input.attr("id") || "(no input ID)"; var inputName = input.attr("name") || "(no input name)"; var inputClass = input.attr("class") || "(no input class)"; 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fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); return window.twttr || (t = { _e: [], ready: function(f) { t._e.push(f); } }); } (document, "script", "twitter-wjs")); } // end of loading Twitter JS if ( typeof window.twttr != "undefined" ) { window.twttr.ready(function ( twttr ) { twttr.events.bind( 'tweet', function ( intent_event ) { if ( intent_event ) { var label = intent_event.data.tweet_id; if (typeof label != 'undefined' && label) { if(label == 'label'){ label = window.location.href; } }else{ label = window.location.href; } window[ gtm4wp_datalayer_name ].push({ 'event': 'gtm4wp.socialAction', 'network': 'twitter', 'socialAction': 'tweet', 'opt_target': label, 'opt_pagePath': window.location.href }); } }); window.twttr.events.bind( 'follow', function ( intent_event ) { if ( intent_event ) { var label = intent_event.data.user_id + " (" + intent_event.data.screen_name + ")"; window[ gtm4wp_datalayer_name ].push({ 'event': 'gtm4wp.socialAction', 'network': 'twitter', 'socialAction': 'follow', 'opt_target': label, 'opt_pagePath': window.location.href }); } }); }); } }); // source --> https://www.cinofollie.club/wp-content/themes/Minamaze_Pro/lib/scripts/plugins/sticky/jquery.sticky.js?ver=true // Sticky Plugin v1.0.0 for jQuery // ============= // Author: Anthony Garand // Improvements by German M. Bravo (Kronuz) and Ruud Kamphuis (ruudk) // Improvements by Leonardo C. Daronco (daronco) // Created: 2/14/2011 // Date: 2/12/2012 // Website: http://labs.anthonygarand.com/sticky // Description: Makes an element on the page stick on the screen as you scroll // It will only set the 'top' and 'position' of your element, you // might need to adjust the width in some cases. (function($) { var defaults = { topSpacing: 0, bottomSpacing: 0, className: 'is-sticky', wrapperClassName: 'sticky-wrapper', center: false, getWidthFrom: '' }, $window = $(window), $document = $(document), sticked = [], windowHeight = $window.height(), scroller = function() { var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(), documentHeight = $document.height(), dwh = documentHeight - windowHeight, extra = (scrollTop > dwh) ? dwh - scrollTop : 0; for (var i = 0; i < sticked.length; i++) { var s = sticked[i], elementTop = s.stickyWrapper.offset().top, etse = elementTop - s.topSpacing - extra; if (scrollTop <= etse) { if (s.currentTop !== null) { s.stickyElement .css('position', '') .css('top', ''); s.stickyElement.parent().removeClass(s.className); s.currentTop = null; } } else { var newTop = documentHeight - s.stickyElement.outerHeight() - s.topSpacing - s.bottomSpacing - scrollTop - extra; if (newTop < 0) { newTop = newTop + s.topSpacing; } else { newTop = s.topSpacing; } if (s.currentTop != newTop) { s.stickyElement .css('position', 'fixed') .css('top', newTop); if (typeof s.getWidthFrom !== 'undefined') { s.stickyElement.css('width', $(s.getWidthFrom).width()); } s.stickyElement.parent().addClass(s.className); s.currentTop = newTop; } } } }, resizer = function() { windowHeight = $window.height(); }, methods = { init: function(options) { var o = $.extend(defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var stickyElement = $(this); var stickyId = stickyElement.attr('id'); var wrapper = $('
') .attr('id', stickyId + '-sticky-wrapper') .addClass(o.wrapperClassName); stickyElement.wrapAll(wrapper); if (o.center) { stickyElement.parent().css({width:stickyElement.outerWidth(),marginLeft:"auto",marginRight:"auto"}); } if (stickyElement.css("float") == "right") { stickyElement.css({"float":"none"}).parent().css({"float":"right"}); } var stickyWrapper = stickyElement.parent(); stickyWrapper.css('height', stickyElement.outerHeight()); sticked.push({ topSpacing: o.topSpacing, bottomSpacing: o.bottomSpacing, stickyElement: stickyElement, currentTop: null, stickyWrapper: stickyWrapper, className: o.className, getWidthFrom: o.getWidthFrom }); }); }, update: scroller }; // should be more efficient than using $window.scroll(scroller) and $window.resize(resizer): if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('scroll', scroller, false); window.addEventListener('resize', resizer, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onscroll', scroller); window.attachEvent('onresize', resizer); } $.fn.sticky = function(method) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method ) { return methods.init.apply( this, arguments ); } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.sticky'); } }; $(function() { setTimeout(scroller, 0); }); })(jQuery); // source --> https://www.cinofollie.club/wp-content/themes/Minamaze_Pro/lib/scripts/plugins/videoBG/jquery.videoBG.js?ver=0.2 /** * @preserve Copyright 2011 Syd Lawrence ( www.sydlawrence.com ). * Version: 0.2 * * Licensed under MIT and GPLv2. * * Usage: $('body').videoBG(options); * */ (function( $ ){ $.fn.videoBG = function( selector, options ) { var options = {}; if (typeof selector == "object") { options = $.extend({}, $.fn.videoBG.defaults, selector); } else if (!selector) { options = $.fn.videoBG.defaults; } else { return $(selector).videoBG(options); } var container = $(this); // check if elements available otherwise it will cause issues if (!container.length) return; // container to be at least relative if (container.css('position') == 'static' || !container.css('position')) container.css('position','relative'); // we need a width if (options.width == 0) options.width = container.width(); // we need a height if (options.height == 0) options.height = container.height(); // get the wrapper var wrap = $.fn.videoBG.wrapper(); wrap.height(options.height) .width(options.width); // if is a text replacement if (options.textReplacement) { // force sizes options.scale = true; // set sizes and forcing text out container.width(options.width) .height(options.height) .css('text-indent','-9999px'); } else { // set the wrapper above the video wrap.css('z-index',options.zIndex+1); } // move the contents into the wrapper wrap.html(container.clone(true)); // get the video var video = $.fn.videoBG.video(options); // if we are forcing width / height if (options.scale) { // overlay wrapper wrap.height(options.height) .width(options.width); // video video.height(options.height) .width(options.width); } // add it all to the container container.html(wrap); container.append(video); return video.find("video")[0]; } // set to fullscreen $.fn.videoBG.setFullscreen = function($el) { var windowWidth = $(window).width(), windowHeight = $(window).height(); $el.css('min-height',0).css('min-width',0); $el.parent().width(windowWidth).height(windowHeight); // if by width if (windowWidth / windowHeight > $el.aspectRatio) { $el.width(windowWidth).height('auto'); // shift the element up var height = $el.height(); var shift = (height - windowHeight) / 2; if (shift < 0) shift = 0; $el.css("top",-shift); } else { $el.width('auto').height(windowHeight); // shift the element left var width = $el.width(); var shift = (width - windowWidth) / 2; if (shift < 0) shift = 0; $el.css("left",-shift); // this is a hack mainly due to the iphone if (shift === 0) { var t = setTimeout(function() { $.fn.videoBG.setFullscreen($el); },500); } } $('body > .videoBG_wrapper').width(windowWidth).height(windowHeight); } // get the formatted video element $.fn.videoBG.video = function(options) { $('html, body').scrollTop(-1); // video container var $div = $('
'); $div.addClass('videoBG') .css('position',options.position) .css('z-index',options.zIndex) .css('top',0) .css('left',0) .css('height',options.height) .css('width',options.width) .css('opacity',options.opacity) .css('overflow','hidden'); // video element var $video = $('